Friday 26 August 2011

Screen vs. print document design

According to Jakob Nelson 1997, "Really good writing - you don't see much of that on the Web," said by one of the test participants. Therefore, users usually scan over the text but not read all of the text. To scan a text, the elements included headings, bold text, highlighted text, large type, bulleted lists, table of contents and etc. Hyperlinks are welcomed as users may find out more useful information that they think is useful and interested. But, too many hyperlinks might be distracting and readers will stop reading it. Graphics and texts should be complement with each other where this both aspects will be a good combination and it works well. Reep, Diana C. stated that print document design usually uses graphic aids, format of written cues, white space, and typographic devices. Written cues such as headings mainly about a big topic which let the readers to know what is the text about. Headers and footers is to identify the date, time, place and etc. Color is the most important element as color can be used to classified each of the text. Every different color represent different information of the text and it also one of the eye-catching way to attract readers.

Sample of screen document

(Source from

Sample of print document  

(Source from Google) 

1. John Morkes and Jakob Nielsen (1997), Concise, SCANNABLE, and Objective: How to Write for the Web, viewed 26 August 2011
2. Reep, Diana C.(2006), Technical writing : Document design, Ch. 6, pp. 133-172