Monday 14 November 2011

New media - iPad (Newspaper)

(Source:Google Image)

In my opinion, I personally think that I won't choose iPad as my choice to read newspaper. The reason is because the launch of this iPad is usually for businessman and woman as well as for entertainment purposes. Besides that, I may not choose reading newspaper in a small screen as compare with the traditional newspaper. It is also difficult for the readers to read newspaper through iPad as this may not suitable for old citizens where this group of people have problem in accessing this tablet. In fact, by comparing with the two media which are the traditional newspaper and the iPad, iPad has the flexibility and accessibility for everyone to access whenever they are. According to Taranu et al., it stated that Internet is to allow the readers to get extra information from what they wish to know.

(Source: Google Image)

In this issue, it stated there that the launch of Rupert Murdoch’s new iPad-only newspaper on Feb. 2 highlights the transition of news from the traditional “hold and fold” format to the Internet. However for the traditional newspaper, The Daily has the depth and quality of a magazine, but is delivered daily like a newspaper and updated in real-time like the web. 

The iPad has a successful synthesized some of the interaction elements, for example newspaper, magazine and internet. According to Kress and van Leeuwen, a combination of all the elements will be giving the audiences a perfect viewing and thought of mind (Kress and van Leeuwen, 2006).  As we can know, the more advance a technology is, the most easiest for people to get inform in certain information and news (Naughton, J 2006). In today's technology, for example Facebook or Twitter; is one of the internet platform where we could get our latest news from what have posted by the people. So however in the future, iPad is only one of the new media platform which to allows the people to exchange messages and information. 

Kress, G & van Leeuwen, T 2006, Chapter 1: The Semiotic Landscape: Language and Visual Communication, Reading Images, pp. 16-44.

Taranu et al. 2011, ‘How Does The Internet-Based Media Restructure Communication and Subjectivity?’, Economics, Management, and Financial Market, vol. 6, no. 2, pp. 353-362, viewed 10 November 2011. 

Naughton, J 2006, ‘Blogging and the Emerging Media Ecosystem’, University of Oxford, viewed 10 November 2011.